Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Garlic to cure a variety of diseases

Garlic contains chemical compounds, each of which has its benefits and efficacy of the drug, here are some content owned chemical compounds of garlic:

- Garlic contains essential oils that are beneficial as an anti-bacterial and anti-septic.
- Garlic contains allicin and aliin useful as an anti-cholesterol to prevent coronary heart disease, high blood pressure etc.

- At garlic bulbs contain chemical compounds that quite a lot, including:

1. Calcium which has calming properties making it suitable for the prevention of hypertension
2. Saltivine useful as accelerating the growth of cells and tissues and stimulates nerve cell structure
3. Diallysulfide, alilpropil-disulfide: anti-worm.
4. Sulfur
5. Protein
6. Fat
7. Phosphorus
8. Iron
9. Vitamin A, B1 and C.

Some of the benefits of garlic for the treatment of diseases, including:

Because the sulfur content owned garlic makes it has a distinctive aroma to improve and accelerate work on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract that helps relieve throat and mucus. Raw garlic contains phytochemicals that may help kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease. In a study conducted in 1992 of sebuha Brigham Young University in Utah revealed that garlic is crushed and the oil can kill rhinivirus produce type 2 (a common cause of flu) and kill the 2 types of herpes (infectious skin disease) as well as several other viruses.
How to cure a cough:
Crush some garlic cloves to taste, and then input into a pot of cold white milk, then heat about 1-2 minutes and drink while warm.

Garlic contains allicin and aliin useful as an anti-cholesterol and reduce the symptoms of heart disease and high blood pressure cure. In the one study that was circulated in "The Journal of The Royal College of Physicians" by CS Silagy and Neil HAW 1994 revealed that garlic is a precursor to reduce fat in the body and most importantly, help the healing process of high cholesterol levels. Decrease in cholesterol levels can reach 12% of the total cholesterol owned if diligently consume garlic regularly and eating well with this decrease may occur during the 4 weeks of treatment.

Garlic and onion is believed to prevent the onset of symptoms of various types of cancer, especially cancer of the stomach and colon. Organosulfida content of the liver that are useful to assist in producing the toxic chemical compounds. According to the epidemiological study says a chemical that consuming garlic has a lower risk of stomach and colon cancer.
According to researchers from Penn State University in proving and getting maximum results is by cutting thin and soften the onion for at least 10 minutes in order to establish the contents that help kill cancer-causing cells.

Eating garlic during pregnancy can reduce the risk of pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia (increased blood pressure-containing protein in the urine) and help increase baby weight during pregnancy.
Dr.. D. Sooranna, Ms. J. Hirani and Dr. I Das in the Academic Department of Obsterrics and Gynaecology, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, UK. They concluded that although pre-eclampsia and growth retardation is a complex condition, taking pills / capsules garlic and standards regularly during pregnancy can reduce the possibilities of complications at birth. They focus on growth retardation in infants and pre-eclampsia, a potentially dangerous condition for mother and child that occurs in approximately one in ten pregnancies.
Experiments showed that adding extracts of garlic to cells from the placenta are likely to suffer from these conditions proved to be stimulating growth. Garlic also can reduce the enzymes that are not normal during pregnancy.

Garlic does have many remarkable properties. Turns garlic can help in healing for people with hemorrhoids / piles. By smoothing the way for the juice or a few cloves of garlic, then wipe beforehand anus / rectum and surrounding you with warm water and antiseptic soap, then smeared garlic herb which has been refined in the anus that have been previously cleaned, wait a few minutes and rinse again with clean without leaving a trace and without using soap again.

After doing research and study in detail, it turns out garlic can be a source of increased stamina and physical strength are high. People susceptible to colds or easily tired, it's good to consume garlic every day by mixing in some types of cuisine.

Diabetes mellitus or commonly known to the public at large with diabetes is a disease caused by deficiency of insulin in the blood which is motivated by the excess sugar in the blood and urine so as to cause hunger and thirst is great enough. Diabetics are generally fond of consuming food or drink sweet things but tend to decrease weight. With the major symptoms are decreased resistance to germs and bacterial skin disorders and reduced sexual desire, intestine and blood vessel disease. Wise use of garlic in the diet is one way to get the greatest benefit from the food eaten thus contributing to good body condition.

Garlic bulbs are called extraordinary merit, it is also able to help people with high blood pressure, because high blood pressure is included in the category of disease that needs to be wary of. High blood pressure can cause heart problems, stroke, blood clots, failure of the kidneys. Therefore garlic herb became one mainstay that has therapeutic properties to reduce high blood pressure.

In ancient times the people of China, Greece and Egypt have used garlic as a medicinal salve respiratory problems, treating fatigue, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
Garlic herb is reported as a long, happy and definitely in treating fatigue, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. For many centuries the Chinese, Greek and Egypt has indicted that garlic may cure respiratory problems.

Analysis of diseases associated with respiratory problems, such as the following:

Increased                    disease               Restored                   Unknown

Tired                           60%                    30%                          10%
Bronchitis                    10%                    80%                          10%
Emtisema                    10%                    70%                           20%

Hence garlic is undoubtedly in overcoming problems associated with breathing.

According to a leading chemist and expert therapists, garlic contains allicin which can stimulate the stomach and intestinal walls to carry digestive enzymes and enzymes that are not normal from the digestive system. But you have to remember and understand, the use of garlic should be in the mix a variety of cuisines. Garlic can overcome the problem of abdominal pain and stomach relief up to 95%.

Garlic can also be a bidder in treating anemia (lack of blood). Anemia is characterized not only because of lack of blood because the body is not producing enough hemoglobin. Anemia is also motivated by the inadequacy of protein, iodine, cobalt, vitamin C and vitamin B. Therefore a person suffering from anemia can consume garlic in any recipe you make, because garlic has vitamin B1, vitamin C and iron assimilation.

12. Garlic and arthritis (rheumatism or gout)

Remautik or arthritis or gout is a type of disease which is associated with cell joints or joints due to potassium deficiency, vitamin D, iodine and vitamin B. Garlic is also very rich in sodium content of the compounds necessary to control and guard the body when the body's muscle sodium deficiency will cause paralysis and constipation. In the sodium also contain zinc, manganese and vitamin B1 which is important for nerve, muscle tone and metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. Muscle spasms or pain is a symptom of the syndrome rheumatoid arthritis, and gout fibrosistis (metabolic diseases).

Women often experience the problems associated with such feelings of stress, depression, sadness, moodiness, headaches, feeling weak and so easily. Besides leading Doctor said that garlic can relieve hot flashes, pain, insomnia, palpitations, cold, itching, obesity, leukemia, arthritis. Garlic can also stimulate spending and waging menstrual blood menstrual cycle.

The effects of eating garlic, the most numerous and frequent disruption of bad breath is, but there are ways to cope:

1. Drinking strong tea or coffee after eating garlic
2. Lime rind eating by chewing
3. Keep pace with food made from proteins, liver, and eggs
4. Using garlic beforehand by boiling or made pickles
If you need to avoid eating raw garlic because it can disturb the stomach and may not be used in any form when subjected to disease, especially in the stomach and colon. It is recommended to consume garlic is safe with fried, boiled or roasted before eaten.

General efficacy of garlic, among others:

1. Slow deterioration of the brain and the immune system
2. Slow the aging process
3. Inhibit the development of cancer cells
4. Reduce risk of cancer
5. If consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood
6. Contains anti-cholesterol called ajoene which can prevent blood clots
7. Have a sedative that can relieve stress, anxiety and depression
8. Garlic contains vitamins A, B, and C
9. Contains calcium, potassium, antioxidants, carotene and selenium
10. Garlic can prevent the risk of heart disease
11. Can cure high blood pressure (hypertension)
12. Can relieve stomach pain
13. Can lower blood cholesterol
14. Increase of insulin in the blood of diabetics special
15. Garlic can counteract free radicals
16. Garlic can be used as an antidote (detoxifier), which can protect the body from disease
17. When eaten raw can increase appetite (not too much because it can cause sores in the stomach)
18. Helps maintain stamina
19. Contains anti-microbial properties, anti-thrombotic, hypolipidemic, anti-arthritis, hypoglycemic, and also has anti-tumor antivitas as.

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