Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Ciplukan fruit treat pain diabetes, lung disease and other

Ciplukan known people have shiny fruit that is wrapped by the plant parts like leaves taste sweet when ripe. If the fruit is still green ciplukan, aka young tastes pretty bitter.

Ciplukan or with botanikalnya name is physallis peruviana.L, and entered in the Solanaceae family of plants including eggplant. Ciplukan many have different names for each region, namely keceplokan, ciciplukan, kopok-kopokan (Bali), cecendet, cecenet (Sunda), nyornyoran (Madura), Leletokan (Minahasa), Kenampok (Sasak), and lapunonat (Tanimbarese, Seram).

This plant is an annual shrub, and classified as a wild plant. Ciplukan usually grows just empty lands in the region are landless moist but not muddy. If you are looking for plants ciplukan, came to the field edges, riverbanks, gardens, vacant land until the rice is being planted peanuts or soy. Height of good soil for growing ciplukan is about 0-1800 feet above sea level.

Ciplukan plant grows upright with plant height between about 30 cm to 50 cm. Stalks green square, and branching. Alternate leaves and notched, stemmed 7-25 mm, with elongated oval shape and tapered edges. Size from 3.5 to 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. On the leaf surface Atasa green, and lower surface light green and smooth-haired. Fruit out of the base of the flower, fruit shaped like a lantern or lanterns, yellow when ripe, slightly sweet taste acidic. This Ciplukan indeed we can meet anywhere in the archipelago, but this ciplukan plant origin of actual tropical regions in Latin America.

not the person's name. It is a kind of medicinal plants. In addition to the leaves, fruits, stems and roots also have healing power.

Indeed ciplukan ripe fruit sour taste sweet and delicious, but not only that because of the leaves, fruits, stems and roots have medicinal or healing power.

Unfortunately there are still many people who do not understand the medicinal properties of plants ciplukan is, or is not interested because it might be less confident. Because this plant is easy to grow, and sometimes only for crop farmers considered weeds. If you are interested, try to use ciplukan to various treatment plants.

Chemical content, efficacy and benefits ciplukan plants for treatment of various diseases
The content on Ciplukan kimiawai like chlorogenik acid, citric acid and fisalin. In addition, the fruit also contain malic acid, alkaloids, tannins, kriptoxantin, vitamin C and sugars, as well elaidic acid. Clinically ciplukan chemical compounds have been tested in laboratory, and is believed to cure various diseases. The chemical compound properties, such as analgesic, laxative urine, neutralizes toxins (detoxification), and relieve cough. In Chinese pharmacology, the plant is believed to have a bitter taste and soothing properties.
Ciplukan all parts of the plant can be used, starting from the roots, leaves, and fruit. This Ciplukan though it is bitter if used oral medication, but does not have harmful effects or does not contain toxic substances.

"It's just really because it Ciplukan bitter taste, consider dose use. In order not bitter continued, "explains dr.Setiawan Dalimartha, medicinal plant expert who also practice serving patients with herbal methods.

According to Setiawan, ciplukan can also be used as an external medicine, which can be used to cure boils, ulcers, and inflammation of the skin. "There needs to be dried. Able of having experienced the process boiled, cooled and used as boreh directly to the section that requires, "said Setiawan again.

It also expressed by Ir. WPWinarto, Medicinal Plant Garden owner Sari Work in the area of ​​Pondok Cabe, Tangerang. According to him, non-toxic Ciplukan. Simply because the taste is bitter, mean those who drank the same regard by taking modern medicine, which generally bitter.

"Indeed, it is a natural thing. His name is definitely bitter medicine. However, the principle effect of the bitter taste that will not interfere with the function of our organs work. For example the kidney, "explains Winarto vividly. (Herbakita)

Ciplukan plants use prescription medication for the disease

1. Influenza and Sore Throat cure.
Take all ciplukan tree, including the roots and cleaned, and cut into pieces with a size of 3-4 cm and dried, then wrapped again so no longer moist. If you are going to use as a medicine, take approximately 9-15 grams and boiled, then drink boiled water. Do it 3 times a day.

This recipe also applies to treat some diseases, such as whooping cough (pertussis), bronchitis (inflammation of the airways), mumps (paroritis), swelling of the testicles (orchitis).

2. Treating Diabetes (diabetes).
How mixes together with the number one. It's just that at the time boiling, made with 2 cups of water, and up to 1 cup of water remaining. After chilling filtered, drink once in the morning. The waste can be boiled once again, to drink in the afternoon.

3. Treat the lung disease.
Same with number one. When boiling, using 3-5 glasses of water. After boiling, cool and strain, drink water 3 times a day.

4. Ayan treat disease.
Fruit Ciplukan 8-10 grains eaten every day.

In addition to medicine, Ciplukan can also be used as an external medicine.
How to use:

1. Treating Boils. Ciplukan leaves as much as half handheld washed and finely ground. Turapkan to a boil, then bandaged. Replaced 2 times a day

2.Mengobati ulcers. Ciplukan leaves as much as 1/2 handful of washed and finely ground. Add water whiting to taste, then diturapkan to ulcers. Replace 2 meals a day.

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