Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013


By Unknown | At 22.58 | Label : | 1 Comments

If seen from the content of tocopherols and beta-carotene are very much the red fruit oil is needed by the human body as well as it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. Because of the large number of red fruit content to be known as a potent multivitamin or can be used as a companion drug prescription.Several types of diseases that can be cured using red fruit are: HIV / AIDS, breast cancer, uterine cysts, stroke, tumor, hepatitis, coronary heart disease, normalize blood circulation, high blood pressure, uric acid, Hemorrhoid, Pegel pains, eye disturbances, disturbances lungs, brookitis, asthma / shortness of breath, osteoporosis, helps the brain work system, increase libido, stamina, heartburn / indigestion due to stomach acid. Red fruits are also very good for the health of children, pregnant women and the elderly.

1. AIDS 

Although it has been many years scientists are trying to make a cure for AIDS cure still remains to be found. Perhaps you yourself do not feel confident about the efficacy of red fruit on this one. However, the efficacy of red fruit has been proven to cure AIDS. One man freed from the clutches of death from AIDS is Agustina Sawery.Agustina Sawery had decreased body weight from 50 kg to 27 kg. He never had anal infections, impaired liver function, bercendawan mouth and lung infections. Agustina seems a matter of hours of his death. So he came to the Drs I Made Budi Made MS.Saat it is well known in Papua because often treat diseases such as cancer with extracts of red fruit. Agustina then given extract of red fruit that he consumed three times a day.Since he consume red fruit situation began to improve. Who had dropped his weight to be 27 kg has increased to 46 kg. Busik skin all become smooth again. Hair loss had started to grow again. Agustina be much fitter.Reported that the ability to cure AIDS red fruit is because it contains a lot of red fruit tocopherol and beta-carotene are very high. Both the content of this function as antioxidants and can boost the human immune system. Tocopherol and beta-carotene eventually combine to break down the amino acids needed by the virus that causes AIDS, HIV, so the virus can not establish his life.

2. Cancer and Tumors

 Other properties of the red fruit is treat cancer and tumors. Cancer and tumors without a doubt is one of the biggest causes of death. Caused by cancer and the tumor? The disease is caused by hormones in the body that causes the growth of meat in the normal tissues.Papua red fruit can cure cancer because the content tokoferolnya very high, reaching 11,000 ppm to 7,000 ppm and beta-carotene. Both of these compounds act as antioxidants and boost the immune system and prevent the propagation of cancer cells in the body.

3. Stroke and High BloodStroke caused by a blood clot and had narrowing of blood vessels. One cause of this disease is high blood pressure. High blood pressure causes blood clots that narrows blood vessels, the blood supply is reduced as a result. More than that, the blood vessels can rupture. This disease, if not fatal, can cause paralysis of the limbs.High blood pressure itself caused by the work of the heart that pumps the blood too quickly. This is partly caused by lack of oxygen or oxygen the blood is too thick.Papua contain tocopherols red fruit that can thin the blood and improving blood circulation so that the oxygen content of the blood is normal.4. Uric AcidUric acid is caused by disruption of the function of the liver so that the liver produces excess uric acid. Finally uric acid deposited in the kidneys to stone and brought to the ends of the fingers and toes and collect there.Tocopherol in red fruit Papua can thin the blood and improve the work system lever. Lever systems work, after repair, to produce normal levels of uric acid.

5. Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) 

This disease is caused by the pancreas gland is unable to produce sufficient amounts of insulin / pretty. As a result, the sugar content of the blood is increased.Tocopherol content in red fruit Papua can repair the pancreas and pancreatic function becomes normal again.

6. Osteoporosis 

Due to bone loss, osteoporosis is caused by a deficiency of calcium in the bones. This disease generally attacks those who are aged or elderly dusk.Papua is a herbal red fruit that is rich in calcium so as to prevent and treat osteoporosis. In 100 grams of fresh red fruit contained 54,000 milligrams of calcium.

7. Eye Disorders 

High content of beta-carotene in the red fruit Papua able to solve many types of eye disease caused by deficiency of vitamin A. Beta-carotene is absorbed and processed by the body into vitamin A.

8. Improve Intelligence

 The content of omega 3 and omega 6 in the red fruit can stimulate the brain and improve intelligence work. Therefore red fruit suitable for consumption by children and students.

9. Passion and Improve Fertility

 Red fruit, according to those who consume them, can help improve male sexual arousal. Effect of treatment varies, there is a reaction after 15 minutes of drinking it, there are also one or two hours after taking it.Vitamin E in Papua red fruit can help boost sperm production. In addition, red fruit containing high energy, which is 360 calories.In addition to properties-properties that have been mentioned above, red fruit Papua rumored to also treat gastric disease, hemorrhoids, lung disorders and so on.

Turmeric healing stomach ulcers

By Unknown | At 05.35 | Label : | 1 Comments
Assorted Traditional Herb Remedies Ulcer Disease With Turmeric. Fall Recipes Temurun of Ancestors.

Mengobati Sakit Maag Dengan Kunyit
Treating Pain Ulcer With Turmeric
Benefits kunyitmemang very diverse forms, especially for the world of health, turmeric or curcuma is often called one of the original spices from southeast asia region including Indonesia. Turmeric or Curcuma this is known as one of seasonings for a variety of cuisines, but in addition to the benefits of turmeric has turned out thousands of other benefits not to mention the benefits for health and beauty.

Efficacy of turmeric incredible that it is not separated from the content contained therein. Turmeric contains a compound called curcuminoids compounds are compounds with highly efficacious as a healing medium, curcuminoids itself is also composed of curcumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and also substances - substances such as essential oils, fats, carbohydrates, protein, starch, vitamins and minerals .

One of the diseases that can be cured by turmeric benefits are ulcer disease. A disease which is very annoying when you're attacking the pain, causing pain and sometimes nausea is indeed very disturbing activities. Ulcer disease occurs because of a severe injury - injury to the gastric mucosa keidakseimbangan a result of the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin or mucus. Stess, irregular eating patterns and happy coffee consumption can lead to increased production of stomach acid.

But for those of you who suffer from ulcer disease do not have to worry anymore because the treatment for ulcer disease can be done with a simple and inexpensive manner by use of turmeric as a medicine. There are several ways that you can use to get the benefits of turmeric:

The first recipe
Prepare 2 to 3ruas turmeric
Wash Turmeric - Turmeric is to clean
Peel the outer skin
Keudian squeeze the grated turmeric and take water to drink.
Performed twice a day
The second recipe
Prepare 5 vertebra turmeric
Wash thoroughly
Cut - cut the saffron into pieces
Boil the turmeric iisan along with cinnamon
Drink boiled water at the time magg start attacking.
The third recipe
Prepare some stretches of turmeric
Peel and then wash thoroughly
Parutlah turmeric and then boiled until boiling
Strain the cooking water and mix with raw egg yolks and sugar

Thus a variety of ways that can be used to heal ulcers with turmeric benefits. The way you use depends on your taste. Also read the previous article about How to Make Traditional Herb Turmeric Efficacious to cure several diseases.

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

10 Benefits of Dragon Fruit

By Unknown | At 13.15 | Label : | 1 Comments

Benefits of Dragon Fruit is still not widely known but the fruit that comes from mainland Central America is already very popular. Fruit which has the Latin name Hylocereus polyrhizus currently widely cultivated by local farmers as a way of planting is easy and does not require too much capital. This piece first appeared has a fairly expensive price even par with apples imported from New Zealand but now the price is much more affordable. Substances or nutrients in dragon fruit turned out to have the same efficacy as Benefits of Apples. Here are 10 benefits of dragon fruit that you should know.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

1. Inhibits Aging
Anti-oxidants contained in Dragon fruit can mengambat aging process commonly experienced by someone who every day are exposed to air pollution. The content contained in dragon fruit will detoxify the body effectively, as effective apples.

2. Prevent Cancer
Antioxidants than useful to prevent premature aging also proven to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the human body. Fruit that has a bland taste slightly sweet with small seeds that can be consumed can be consumed by all ages. However, there is also someone who does not like the mushy fruit.

3. Improve Immune
Vitamin C is contained in the dragon fruit is quite high which is why this fruit is best eaten by children in infancy. If you are frequently exposed to the flu season especially when changes are uncertain what it is today should consume dragon fruit regularly every day.

4. Improve Appetite
If you are currently experiencing a period where the appetite drops should consume dragon fruit. In addition to its high content of vitamin C in dragon fruit apparently also contains Vitamin B2 and B1 which have long been relied upon by the world as an appetite enhancer treatment especially recuperating from illness.

5. Lowering Cholesterol Levels
In addition to Vitamin B2 and B1 dragon fruit also many stores Vitamin B3 which if consumed regularly can reduce blood cholesterol effectively. If a person's blood cholesterol decreases then the name will be kept away from circulatory disorders and heart.

6. Strengthen Bones and Teeth
Inside there is a dragon fruit contains abundant phosphorus and calcium. That's why if someone is eating dragon fruit regularly bones and teeth condition is much better than someone who has never eaten fruit dragon. For those of you who now at the age twilight dragon fruit should be consumed because it can prevent bone loss or osteoporosis.

7. Prevent Diabetes Mellitus
Currently degenatif disease is a scourge for someone who every day eat an unhealthy meal. Moreover, these people go through life with an unhealthy lifestyle, most likely his future will experience degenerative disease that is currently increasing number of infectious diseases defeat. If you are aware of it and are afraid of contracting diabetes mellitus should begin now consume dragon fruit for which there is an effective agent for reducing blood sugar levels.

8. Caring for Eye Health
Not only Vitamin A is needed to keep the eyes in order to stay healthy. Carotene, is also beneficial for the health of the eye that we have. Benefits of Dragon Fruit contained in the carotene content is very good for the eyes when consumed.

9. Caring Heart To stay healthy
Besides healthy diet regular exercise is also needed to maintain a healthy heart. If you have problems deciding what fruit is healthy for the heart, you should select for your own dragon fruit sala a healthy diet you start now. The content of Vitamin C, B1, B2, and B3 in the dubbed Dragon Fruit Fruit is very good for your heart health.

10. Caring for Skin Health
If you are currently experiencing skin problems especially acne need not worry. Therefore, there is a dragon fruit in the Vitamin C content of which we can rely as a way to get rid of acne healthy. The trick is quite simple, take a dragon fruit then peel the skin, enter into a blender, puree. Enter the dragon fruit in a glass smooth, take the water with spoons rubbed on the face. The rest can be taken as fresh juice. Do it regularly until you acne problems disappear. It can also be relied upon as a way to remove acne scars on the skin that bothers you.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

That's 10 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for your health. Presenting an easy way to make dragon fruit is very popular with the people of Indonesia. Either eaten directly or processed into juice, dragon fruit remains tasty for consumption. Up here our explanation of the benefits of Dragon Fruit, and if there are misspellings or other errors that we are sorry for - the magnitude.

Mahkota Dewa cure many diseases

By Unknown | At 07.51 | Label : | 0 Comments

Efficacy Mahkota Dewa To Diabetes and Cancer - What do you know of this Mahkota Dewa fruit? Already know that the Mahkota Dewa fruit has tremendous benefits that can cope with various diseases. What are the properties of the crown of God? Check out more below about the efficacy Mahkota Dewa To Diabetes and Cancer.

Tree Crown god (Phaleria macrocarpa) is one of the medicinal plants in Indonesia, which originated from Papua / Irian Jaya. Central Javanese and Yokyakarta named by Makuto Dewo, Makuto queen while the king of drugs called Banten, because menyebuhkan usefulness of various diseases while the ethnic Chinese called pau, which means the drug heritage.

Leaves: contains antihistamines, alkaloids, saponins and polyphenols (lignans)
Skin Fruit: contains alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids.
Fruit: alkanoid, tannins, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, lignans, essential oils and plant sterols.
Chemical properties and Benefits:

Meat Fruit and Fruit Leather: mengubati dysentery (bloody diarrhea), psoriasis and acne.
Leaves and Seeds: mengubati various types of skin problems such as ekzim & gatal2.
Fruit: antitumor, antidisentri, antiinsekta, mengubati eczema, hepatotoxic and antibodies.
Efficacy Mahkota Dewa To Diabetes and Cancer

There Mahkota Dewa fruit within a wide range of content is very efficacious for treating various kinds of diseases such as:

Alkaloid containing these substances is detoxification which can neutralize toxins in the body
Saponin, which is useful as: anti-bacterial and anti-virus, boost the immune system, increase vitality, reduce blood sugar levels, reduce blood clotting
Beneficial flavonoids as: blood circulation throughout the body and prevent blockages in blood vessels, reduce cholesterol and reduce the accumulation of fat in the walls of blood vessels, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, it contains anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), serves as an anti-oxidant, helps reduce the pain if there is bleeding or swelling
Polyphenols function as an antihistamine (anti-allergy)
Below is the efficacy of the drug Phaleria:

Treating Eczema and itching.
Inhibit the growth of tumor cells and cancer. One was to cure breast tumors.
Mahkota Dewa contains saponin which is useful as a drug diabetes mellitus.
The following fruit leather Phaleria contains potent antioxidants that are beneficial boost the immune system.
Treat rheumatism and gout.
Reduce pain when there is bleeding or swelling.
Improve fitness.
Lowering cholesterol levels in the body.
Treat dysentery.

Binahong leaves cure some diseases

By Unknown | At 06.58 | Label : | 1 Comments

Binahong (Boussingaultia cordifolia, Boussingaultia basselloides) is a medicinal plant from the Chinese mainland, known as the original Dheng San Chi. This plant has been known to have extraordinary healing kasiat and has been consumed for thousands of years by the people of China, Korea, Taiwan etc.. In Southeast Asia, this plant is compulsory consumption of the Vietnamese population against American invasion, but unfortunately this plant is still foreign to the region of Indonesia.

The vines mysterious because not a lot of literature and scientific studies that reveal properties. However, empirically, people use it to help the process of healing various diseases.

All parts of the plant berkasiat, starting from the roots, stems and leaves. Use was to be boiled or eaten as fresh vegetables to the leaves. These plants grow vines. Often used as gendola or circular arch above the garden path. There are named binahong and came from Korea. This plant is still one family with gendola (Basella rubra Linn) and one order with spinach.

Binahong almost all parts of the plant can be utilized. Tubers, stems and leaves can be used in Binahong herbal therapy. Now the seeds are easily purchased at Kopeng attraction. These plants are growing well in cold and humid environments.

Benefits Leaves Binahong For Herbal Medicine - Benefits For Face Binahong ie when there is acne, it can be treated with 6 leaves and drink every day.

Benefits Binahong Leaves for Acne and facial

Take a leaf or leaves binahong 5 more
Apply evenly on the face especially on Acne
lalukan preferably before bed
Do this several times until the skin Smooth
For maximum results, drink 5-6 leaves can binahong Juz and mixed in a glass of water, mixed with honey can taste so good.

Benefits binahong leaf is a herbal medicine to treat a variety of serious diseases and ailments ulcer. Severe disease categories are coughing / vomiting blood, lungs, shortness of breath, diabetes, acute ulcers, fractures, kidney inflammation, low blood, mild concussion and itching.

While the benefits Leaves Binahong for mild disease category was dysentery, ambient, nose bleeding, burns, acne, intestinal swelling, bleeding gums, impotence, menstrual fluency and stamina. Efficacy binahong leaves very much this can be achieved in various ways, you can chew the leaves directly or can make a herb or tea.

Currently binahong leaves have many processed into a variety of drug and cosmetics. We can easily find a tea made from the leaves binahong. Binahong leaf tea prepared from the dried leaves binahong, if we want mengknsumsinya we just need to brew with hot water.

Content of Leaves Benefits Binahong

The content contained in the leaves binahong include antimicrobial. Antimicrobial binahong leaves very reactive to some germs cause infections in burns and wounds with a sharp object. Efficacy leaves binahong remarkable also because binahong leaves contain ascorbic acid which can increase the body's resistance to infection and speed healing.

For use in meraciknya as follows:

grab rhizome (root) to taste, washed, then boiled, filtered, and the results after a cold drink 2-3 times a day, this way the incision to heal, ulcers, typhoid, dysentery, physical fitness (plus eggs and honey), prevents stroke , gout and lumbago.

But can also be dried tubers, and finely ground, then put in a capsule 0.5 mh and drink 3 times a day.

For external use, the leaves and stems finely crushed then rubbed on the affected part. This material is for healing bruises due to hit, hit the fire (heat), rheumatism, stiff, sore muscles, smoothing the skin.

Tuber other materials mixed with boiled with betel leaf, ginger with odd comparison: 7, 9, 13, for healing the heart swelling, swelling of the liver, diabetes, kidney damage and inflammation of the large intestine.

Trunk to overcome the weakness of men, which taken by the sap is applied to the penis, then set aside some time to do intercourse with my wife. If it hammered out with kencur (3 cups to 1 cup) drink every night for one week.

Efficacy Magical Leaf Binahong

This species is very efficacious to cure several diseases. The few leaves chewed until smooth or cooked with a glass of water and drink with pulp or juice or blended easily. The efficacy of the leaves as follows:

A. Severe disease categories:

Coughing / vomiting blood: 10 leaves, taken daily
Paru-paru/bolong: 10 leaves, taken daily
Diabetes: 11 leaves, taken daily
Shortness of breath: 7 leaves, taken daily
Acute ulcers (chronic): 12 leaves, taken daily
Fractures: 10-20 lb leaf, taken daily
Low blood: 8 leaves, taken daily
Inflammation of the kidneys: 7 leaves, taken daily
Itching / eczema skin: 10-15 leaves, taken daily
Mild concussion / weight: 10 leaves, taken daily
B. Mild disease category

Dysentery / defecation: 10 leaves, taken daily
Ambeyen bloody: 16 leaves, taken daily
Nose bleed: 4 sheets of leaf, taken daily
Surgical consumables / surgery: 20 leaves, taken daily
Burns: 10 leaves, taken daily
Accident / sharp: 10 leaves, taken daily
Acne: 8 leaves, taken daily
Intestinal swelling: 3 leaves, taken daily
Bleeding gums: 4 sheets of leaf, taken daily
Lack of appetite: 5 leaves, taken daily
Smoothness of menstruation: 3 leaves, taken daily
Discharged maternity / childbirth: 7 leaves, taken daily
Maintain stamina: 1 sheet of leaf, taken daily
Body warmers: 5 leaves, taken daily
Impotence: 3-10 lb leaf, taken daily.
That's the benefit and usefulness binahong magical leaf that can cure various diseases.

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